25% discount for XM Anomaly VIA NOIR (for all items)

25% discount for XM Anomaly VIA NOIR (for all items)

Dear ingress agents,
As you know, on NOV 12, last in 2016 year XM Anomaly VIA NOIR will start!!!

Thats why we give you an opportunity to buy all ingress items with an additional 25% discount. All you have to do – is to make order for 350$ or more and use this promo code:


NOTE: this code gives you discount ONLY if your order is for 350$ or more.

Agents, on November 12th, in mysterious cities around the world, the factions will battle. Do not stay home. Do not stay indoors. Be there for Via Noir. Prepare your inventories for the last battle in this year!! Anomaly will be soon but your inventory is empty? We can help you with that! You just need to make an order in our shop and we will farm all gear for you and deliver it right to your location. We can help you to be ready for any situation happened during via noir anomaly. In our shop you can buy different stuff for your inventory. We are offering AXA shields, common/rare/very rare mods, XMP bursters, Ultra Strikes, Power Cubes, Lawson cubes, ADA/Jarvis, Capsules, MUFG capsules and other items that you will need. Take a look for a new ANOMALY PACK

You can help your faction to win VIA NOIR Anomaly

Nov 12, 2016 - VIA NOIR anomaly 

Primary: Seoul, South Korea
Satellite: Surabaya, Indonesia
Satellite: Melbourne, Australia

Primary: Rome, Italy
Satellite: Vilnius, Lithuania 
Satellite: Sofia, Bulgaria

Primary: New Orleans, LA, USA
Satellite: Chicago, IL, USA 
Satellite: Miami, FL, USA